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時間:2012/9/3 閱讀人次:6128

? ? 公司目前具有代表性的項目有蘇通國際新城的開發,該項目圈地2000余畝,公司將在該地塊上打造出商業街、建材街、金融文化用品街、美食街、大型超市、五星級酒店,以及購物中心、中心廣場、小學、幼兒園,系一個大型的城市綜合體。屆時,該地塊將成為一座緊挨零陵城北、人口達5至8萬人,極具人氣,消費潛力巨大的一個新城。現著手開發的第一期工程天韻苑,占地面積101畝,規劃建設總建筑面積約23萬㎡,建設11至26層的高層建筑20幢,總投資約5.5億元人民幣。
? ? 代建投資承攬建設G322線零陵段改線工程,工程包括零陵城區段、黃田鋪鎮段、珠山鎮段三處過境路段。全長19.925公里,其中城區段10.911公里,農村段長9.014公里。城區段途經城區日升路、綠影路、萍洲西路、瀟湘大道、愚溪路五條道路,按城市主干道標準建設。工程總投資約4.5億元,目前已全面通車。






?Sutong Construction Group Co., Ltd.,Yongzhou Branch??? Sutong formally entered the Yongzhou market in May 2010 because of BT project of highway G322 relocation in Lingling district. After more than a year of development, now the group company focus the strategy point on Yongzhou market, in order to manage the Yongzhou market more standard and efficient, and on April 12, 2011 the Yongzhou Branch is set up. The branch is the diversified company including real estate development, civil engineering, municipal, landscape, real estate sales, property management, investment. Now there are 482 employees, 68 technical and economic employees, including 27 senior and intermediate engineering technical personnel, 5 constructors and 8 associate constructors.

The company currently has a representative project: SuTong International new town covering the area of more than 2000 mu. The company will in the land build a large comprehensive commercial housing network, including commercial street, building materials street, financial and stationery commodity street, delicious food street, supermarkets, five Stars Hotel, shopping center, central plaza, community garden centers, community clubs, schools. At that time, this land close to north city of Lingling will be a metro of huge consumption potential, with the population of 60000 to 80000. Now the company is setting up the development of the phase of the project of Tianyun Garden covering the area of 101 mu, and planning total construction area is 230000 square meters. Company invests 550,000,000 yuan to construct 20 buildings from 11 to 26 floors. The No.1 to No.7 buildings covering the area of 60000 m2 have completed, achieve total production value of about 150,000,000 yuan.

The construction of G322 includes three transit sections: the Lingling district, Huangtian district and the Zhushan district, total length of 19.925 km, including urban section of 10.911 km, rural section of? 9.014 km. The urban section includes the Risheng Road, Lvying Road, Pingzhou West Road, Xiaoxiang Avenue, Yuxi Road. The total investment of the project is 450,000,000 yuan, and the construction period is 30 months.


Add: No.316, east road, Huanggu Mountain, Lingling District,?? Yongzhou, Hunan

Postcode: 425000

TeL: 0746-6311286

Fax: 0746-6311286



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地址: 江蘇省海門市南海路965號光華大廈A座13樓 電話: 0513-81268899 傳真: 0513-82315222